Jumat, 02 November 2012



ajari lagi aku mengeja
dari alif sampai yaa
agar aku mengerti
akan arti sebuah proses

Kau selalu bantu aku
agar dapat bediri sempurna
dengan ringkihnya tubuhmu
dan cucuran peluhmu

Tiap malam kau terjaga
hanya untuk
lihat anakmu
tumbuh dewasa dan tak kurang apa-apa

karena Alfatihah hanya sebatas dibaca
aku belum bisa memaknainya 
dengan sempurna

aku  baru bisa 
menyayangimu sebatas kata dan doa
belum dengan bukti yang nyata

Bandung, 15 Januari 2009

Psicoanalisis dalam LILAH

         Pengaruh Psikoanalisis terhadap Tokoh  Utama dalam novel Lilah

Pergolakan batin yang timbul pada diri  seseorang selalu menimbulkan ekspresi baik itu sedih, gembira, ataupun marah dan jika sudah mencapai puncaknya dapat menimbulkan suatu konflik. Konflik batin  dapat terjadi karena adanya clash antara satu individu dengan individu lain ataupun individu dengan kelompok. Pergolakan batin seseorang dapat diteliti dengan menggunakan psikology begitu pula dengan pergolakan batin yang timbul pada satu tokoh dalam suatu cerita novel ataupun drama dapat dikaji dengan menggunakan psikoanalitik. Tokoh adalah figur yang dikenai dan sekaligus mengenai tindakan psikologis. Dia adalah eksekutor dalam sastra (Suwardi Endraswara, 2008:179). Artinya tokoh adalah titik tumpu yang melakukan tindakan sekaligus dikenai tindakan psikologis, perilaku tokohlah yang akan menentukan jalannya cerita.

Suwardi mengatakan bahwa sikap dan perilaku adalah pantulan jiwa. Jiwa yang khayal akan dapat dimonitor lewat sikap dan perilaku. Dengan kata lain dengan membaca perilaku yang tercermin dalam salah satu tokoh dalam sastra merupakan upaya untuk memahami gejolak jiwa manusia. Walaupun pada dasarnya tokoh dalam sastra itu merupakan hal yang tidak nyata karena merupakan hasil imaji si pengarang, namun tak dapat dipungkiri pengarang membuat karakter satu tokoh dalam karyanya pasti merupakan cerminan pribadi si pengarang atau pengalaman yang telah dialaminya.

Sikap yang tercermin pada satu tokoh daam sastra merupakan hal yang menarik karena clash dari satu tokoh dengan tokoh lain dapat menimbulkan konflik dan kondisi mental serta ego dari tiap tokoh tersebut dapat memperuncing pertentangan tersebut. Hal ini yang melatarbelakangi penulis untuk meneliti karakter utama pada Novel Marek Halter yang berjudul “Lilah”. Pergolakan batin lilah untuk memilih kakknya, Ezra atau kekasih hatinya, Antonioes merupakan hal yang menarik untuk dikaji. Pergolakan batin Lilah ini tidak terlepas dari faktor agama dan masyarakat yang mempengaruhinya.

Menurut Freud psikologi adalah alam bawah sadar, yang didasari samar-samar oleh individu yang bersangkutan. Menurutnya ketaksadaran merupakan bagian yang paling besar dan paling aktif dalam diri setiap orang. Freud (Milner, 1992:32-38) menghubungkan karya sastra dengan mimpi. Sastra dan mimpi dianggap  memberikan kepuasan secara tidak langsung. Mimpi seperti tulisan merupakan sistem tanda yang menunjukkan sesuatu yang berbeda, yaitu melalui tanda-tanda itu sendiri. Penulis menggunakan Psycoanalitic karena tiap karakter pada diri seseorang itu tidak akan terlepas dari psikologi. Tidak dapat dipungkiri jika  agama dan lingkungan social sangat mempengaruhi karakter seseorang.

Untuk mengetahui pemikiran, tingkah laku dan kebiasaan tokoh utama penulis menggunakan karakterisasi.  Karakterisasi  berarti pemeranan, pelukisan watak. Metode karakterisasi adalah metode melukiskan watak para tokoh yang terdapat dalam suatu karya fiksi. Ada dua cara untuk membedah karakterisasi seseorang penjabaran secara langsung (telling) dan tidak langsung (showing).

One method is telling, which relies on exposition and direct commentary by the author. In telling a method preferred and practiced by many older fiction write the dround hand of the authors is very much evidence. We learn yang look only at what the author calls to your attentions (Pickering dan Hoeper, (1981:27)

Dalam  perkembangan karakter  tokoh utama  sangat berkaitan erat dengan agama yang dipegang teguh olehnya. Seperti yang kita ketahui agama adalah tuntunan bagi manusia agar hidupnya tidak tersesat. Seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Karl Marx “Religion was such an ideology, an “opiate of the people” that prevent them from rebelling against their appressors. It promises the rewards in the next life for performing obediently in this one”. Maksudnya adalah agama merupakan sebuah ideologi yang dianalogikan sebagai obat bagi manusia yang mencegah manusia agar tidak tersesat dan orang yang  memegang teguh agama dijanjikan pahala untuk kehidupan mendatang di akhirat.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam proposal ini adalah metode kualitatif.
Penelitian kualitatif sering diartikan sebgai penelitian  yang tidak megadakan “ perhitungan” atau sengan angka-angka (Moleong,1982:2).

Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan yaitu :
1.      Membaca novelnya
2.      Memilih data yang perlu  dikaji
3.      Memisahkan dengan data yang lain agar dapat dianalisis
4.      Memilih teori yang sepadan dengan data yang sedang diteliti.
Dalam hal ini penulis memilih teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara library research  yaitu penulis mencari  teori dan data-data  pendukung melalui buku  dan  internet agar proposal ini lebih lengkap dan relevan.

Data yang telah dikumpulkan dan dipilih kemudian dianalisis oleh penulis. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mencari karakterisasi tokoh utama dan  menganalisis pengaruh agama dan lingkungan terhadap perkembangan tokoh utama.

Data diambil dari sebuah novel sejarah karya Marek Halter yang berjudul “Lilah”. Novel ini bercerita tentang perjuangan tokoh utama, Lilah  untuk memperjuangkan cintanya terhadap Antonioes yang tidak direstui oleh kakaknya sendiri yaitu Ezra. Hubungan mereka tidak direstui karena agama dan bangsa  mereka berbeda, Lilah adalah bangsa Israel dan beragama Yahudi sedangkan Antonioes adalah seorang prajurit Persia yang sangat hebat . Ketangguhan dan kehebatannya dalam berperang mendapatkan perhatian lebih dari sang Raja dan membuat Antonioes menjadi panglima kesayangan Raja Artaxerxes dan Ratu Parysatis yang dikenal sangat kejam dan tidak berprikemanusiaan. Hubungan percintaan Lilah dan Antonioes bukan saja ditentang oleh Ezra tetapi ditentang pula oleh sang Ratu.
Perlu diketahui bahwa bagi orang Yahudi pernikahan berbeda bangsa dan agama itu sangat dilarang, dengan kata lain orang Yahudi harus menikah dengan orang Yahudi lagi. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari kata-kata Ezra yang ditujukan kepada Antonioes :

”My sister is free to make her own decisions, “Ezra said.” But there are laws for us, the children of Israel and the people of the covenant. They are not the same as your laws, son of Persia, just as our God is not the same as your gods.”

…….A woman who goes with an clean man is herself unclean, and if a waman is unclean, her brother can no longer go near her. He can no longer be her brother. Lilah will choose.”

Dari kutipan diatas dapat terlihat bahwa perkawinan beda agama dan bangsa bagi orang Yahudi teramat sangat dilarang. Jika ada seorang wanita yang menikahi seorang pria yang berbeda agama dan bangsanya maka wanita itu disebut wanita tidak suci dan  bagi orang yang tidak suci seorang kakak pun haram untuk mendekatinya. 
Contoh dialog berikut merupakan  pergolakan batin Lilah ketika menemui Ezra, kakaknya. Pada awalnya dia menemui Ezra untuk membicarakan bahwa dia akan menikah dengan Antonioes. Namun, melihat reaksi Ezra yang dingin dan seakan tidak peduli membuat Lilah mengurungkan niatnya. Dari dialog dibawah ini memperlihatkan bahwa karakter Utama merasa takut Ezra tidak merestui hubungannya dengan Antonioes dan akan memarahinya.
Lilah fell silent. Her own words seemed to her out of place and offensive. She want to say,”I love him. I want him for my husband. He wants it too, more than anything else. I love to be in his arms . And I also love you, with all the love in a siste’s heart.” But the words that emerged from her mouth were cold and fearful, devoid of color.

Kutipan dibawah ini menunjukkan telah terjadinya pergolakan batin pada tokoh Lilah dikarenakan adanya pengaruh external yaitu pengaruh kematian orang yang selalu setia menemaninya yaitu Sogdiam yang sudah dia anggap sebagai anaknya sendiri. Lilah sudah mulai meragukan kesetiaan Antonioes, suaminya karena penantiannya selama 5 tahun tidak membuahkan hasil apa-apa dan pada kenyataannya selama ini Antonioes tidak ada disisinya disaat Lilah sangat membutuhkan Antonioes untuk bersandar. Sogdiamlah yang selalu menemaninya dalam suka dan duka. Dari kutipan dibawah ini dapat dilihat bahwa Lilah sangat terpukul dengan kematian Sogdiam.
I must seem confused to you now, Antinoes, my husband. I mix past nad present. It because of Sogdiam’s death. But it is also true that everiything is confused in my mind, my hearth, my body.

Ketika agama yang dijadikan acuan dalam hidup dan  aturan yang tertulis pada Al kitab yang harus dipatuhi sangat bertentangan dengan hati Lilah. Maka Lilah memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kota Yarusalem bersama wanita-wanita yang dianggap tidak suci karena mereka  bukan dari bangsa Israel dan anak-anak hasil perkawinan beda bangsa dan agama yang dipaksa meninggalkan Yarusalem. Padahal dengan susah payah Lilah dan rombongan dapat mencapai kota Yarusalem itu. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari kutipan dibwah ini :

He laughed. “But it is, Lilah it is! We came so that the law of Yahweh would live among our people. We are making it live. Only what is written on moses scroll. That and nothing else!”

“ I can’t do it, “ I said to the man who had been my beloved brother. “I ca’t be with those who throw stones at women and children. I can separate the clean and the unclean by separating the wife from husband and the children drom the father. That is beyond my strength. It is beyond my love for Ezra. Beyond my respect for our God. If I must choose, then I shall leave with them. With rejected women. With the strengers. That is the only place for me. Did not Moses, our Master say Welcome the Stranger in your house as one of your own. Love him as yourself , for you, too, were strangers in the land of Egypt?”

Dari kutipan diatas dapat dilihat bahwa karakter tokoh utama keyakinannya mulai goyah, kepercayaan terhadap Ezra pun mulai pudar. Lilah beranggapan bahwa penindasan terhadap kaum wanita yang dianggap sebagai orang asing dan tidak suci karena menikah dengan pria yang berbeda agama dan tidak sebangsa dengan mereka sudah melampaui batas.


Khutaratna, Nyoman 2006. Theory, Metode, dan penelitian Sastra, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta Maxwell, Joseph A,.1996. Qualitative Research design  “ Sage  publication Inc.: California

Jabrohim.2003. Metodologi Penelitian Sastra, Yogyakarta : Hanindita Graha Widya

Minderop, Albertine.2005. Metode Karakterisasi Telaah Fiksi, Surabaya dan ,endamping   elsu  (penderitaan). Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia 2 Novemver




 There are some intrinsic elements of the novel such as character, characterization, plot , setting, theme, point of view, conflict, diction, foreshadowing, style, theme, rhyme,  rhythm  and metaphor. However, this chapter focuses on the character and characterization because the research relates to the character development of main character in this novel.
In addition, the extrinsic elements of the novel are culture, social value and author biography. Because the research relates to cross and clash culture especially Indian culture, the writer will explain all Indian cultures that exist in the novel entitled “A House for Mr. Biswas”  by using postcolonial theory.
VS Naipaul
Novel is fictional narratives representing a way of life or an experience. According to P. Vasque The range of the novel is from slight recollections of a small part of life or an experience to the most complete and detailed accounts imaginable; and it vary from the lightest to the most serious experiences and events faced by man (1998 :2). Novel is the representation of the author’s experience or the life of the author.
Henry James in The Art of Fiction (1995:3) pointed out that:
“Novel in its broadest definition a personal impression of life; that to begin with constitute its value which is greater or less according to the intensity of the impression. But there will no interntity at all, and therefore no value, unless  there is freedom to feel and say.”
From the quotation above the definition of novel is a personal impression about life , the greater or less the value of novel depends on how much  intensity of the impression to that novel. Novel is the form of the author’s freedom to feel and say.
However, as mention before this research will focuse on intrinsic elements especially character and characterization. The explanation about those will be described  as follow:

 Characterization and Character
Characterization is one of intrinsic elements in  novel. It is used to know how the characters in the novel are represented. Character is the person who acts and is acted upon in the novel.  In studying the characterization we need to know the meaning of characterization. As stated by John (1968) in Hansyar (2:2003) explained that characterization is a creation or illustration of the imaginary person.  This means that the characterization is the way how the author describes the character in the novel in order to make the character as  a real person and life.
Furthermore, Pickering and Hoeper in Albertine Mindrop (1981:27-28) explained the method how to describe the character. They divided the method of characterization into two parts, namely showing and telling method. The methods will be described as follows:
One method is telling, which relies on exposition and direct commentary by the author. In telling a method preferred and practiced by many older fiction        writers – the guiding hand of the authors is very much evidence. We learn and look only at what the author calls to our attention.
“the other method is the indirect, the dramatic method of showing, which involves the author’s stepping aside, as it were, to allow the characters to reveal themselves directly through and their actions. With showing, much of the burden of character analysis is shifted to the reader, who is required to infer character on the basis of the evidence provided in the narrative.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that telling is used to examine what the main character is described from the narration of other character in the story, and the indirect presentation is used to analyze the characterization from the character’s thought, speech and act. Besides, characters will be analyzed whether they are flat and round character. Laurence in Literature, Structure, Sound and Sense said that :
“Flat characters are characterized by one or two traits; they can be summed up in a sentence. Round characters are complex and many-sided; they might require an essay for full analysis. Flat and round character will be used as a sign of development of the main characters in this novel; also it is important to divide, whether the main characters are flat or round to know if there is any attitude changing.”  (1984: 67)

Flat character can be described by one or two character’s behavior. It can be called flat character if the character in the story does not change from beginning until the end of the story whereas, round character occurs when there is  any character’s traits change from the beginning until the end of the story.

Postcolonial Theory
Great Britain during nineteenth century is known as the Empire which has great imperial power because almost quarter of the earth was Britain conquest. The Great Britain’s conquest spread from Europe, Asia until Africa. Great Britain not only spread and colonized the country but also spread its hegemony to the society in their colony. It makes The British people believe that they were born to rule the world by virtue of that believe they feel the British is biological superior than the other race in the world in terms of physic and cultural difference.
By the early twentieth century, England’s political, social, economic, and ideological domination of its colonies began to disappear, a process was known as decolonization. Many scholars believe the beginning of Postcolonial is signed when India in 1947 got his independence from the Great Britain.  Britain Colony divided India into two nations: India which the most civilization are Hindu and Pakistan which the most civilization are Moslim. It made war between India and Pakistan , it also affected hundreds people died. Many writers analyzed the impacts of the British colonial in politic, economic, culture and social in the colony.
Ahmad stated in Margaret Kumar in Journal of Educational Enquiry Vol 1, No. 2, 2000 that Postcolonialism was traditionally seen as a period of history initializing the handing over of colonized states by what colonies themselves. It means poscolonialism is a period after the colonial colonized and studied the influence of colonial to the colony.  However, the aims of colonial are not only expanses the colonial region but also spread their hegemony in its colonial state. Indirectly, the societies in that state are influenced by the colonialist. The colonial influences the colony  in some aspects such as economic, politic, social, culture and religion. Furthermore, cross and clash culture occur  in those aspects. As sited in Peter Burnell  Colonialism and Postcolonialism (38:2007) “ The impact of colonialism was transformative rather than transitory. As well as reshaping economic and political forms, it also changed the way people, especially the educated to see the world”  It explain that the impact of colonialism changes the way of the politic and economic of the colonial country. It can happen because the colonialism transform their education terms so that they change the ideology  and mentality of the colony countries.

Cross and Clash Culture
The power of the colonizer to the colonized produced another cultures and new habitual of civilization in colony or it is called cross and clash culture, as stated by Homi K Bhabha in The Postcolonial  Studies Reader (1964:205):
“There is always ambivalence at the site  of colonial dominance. When two cultures commingle, the nature and the characteristics of the newly created culture changes each of the cultures. This dynamic, interactive and tension-packed process unitary Bhabha names hybridity.”
 Bhabha stated that in colonial dominance, there are clash and cross culture between colonizers and colonized. The clash culture happens when a foreign culture comes to one region.  It has some differences between foreign culture and tradition culture that cannot be accepted by the societies in that region. Whereas the cross culture happens when the foreign culture comes in one region and the societies in that region are influenced by it. Thus, it assimilates with the traditional culture in that region and creates the new culture.
Bhabha also pointed out in “cultural diversity and cultural differences,” he stated that :
“The problem of how in signifying the present, something comes to be repeated, relocated and translated in the name of tradition, in the guise of a pastness that is not necessarily a faithful sign of historical memory but a strategy of representing authority in terms of the artifice of the archaic.” (1995: 210)

When the new culture or the modernity comes and repeats in the original tradition, the original tradition has to keep the tradition as the historical and the heritage for the new generations.  It means the clash culture occusr  between the new culture and the original tradition but the cross culture also happens because we cannot prevent it. Theredore, hybridity occurs  after the colonizer went out from the colony.

Basically hybridity refers to  most basic sense to mixture. It is the term originating from biology and in the nineteenth century is employed in linguistics and in racial theory. The concept of hybridity in racial theory especially postcolonialism is formulated by Homi K. Bhabha in his piece entitled “Cultural Diversity and Cultural Differences” .  It along with Bhabha ever state in the essay. he does in as follows:
It is significant that the productive capacities of this third space have a colonial or post colonial provenance. For a willingness to descend into that the theoretical recognition of the split-space of enunciation may open the way conceptualizing an inter - diversity of cultures, but on the inscription and articulation of culture’s hybridity (1995:206).

Bhabha argued that all cultural system are constructed by enunciation or he calls it third space. The third space is the result of colonialization that  is influenced the cultures and the civilization in the colonies.  Hybridity is the example of third space. It is the situation when cross culture between colonizer and colonized’s cultures mix so new cultures is formed.
He also states that “culture are never unitary in themselves nor simply dualistic in relation of self to other.” it means that culture cannot be utilize by themselves but it need human being and the process of utilize is not the simply thing but it needs the long time to form it . However, the hybridization of any culture creates ambivalent situation. Ambivalent refers to a state of mental or social cultural or behavioral condition of people. The ambivalent also creates the negative and positive aspects.

Indian Culture
 Caste System
The word caste derived from the Latin castus which  means “pure”. In India the word caste is known by “jatis” or the small groups as distinct from classes. In the sixteenth century, the Portuguese who were the first European power arrived in India and changed the word 'Jatis' into caste. The word caste is used by The British who arrived to India much later after the Portuguese.
J.H Hutton as cited in Richard Lannoy, The Speeaking Tree: A Study of Indian Culture and Society (1971:137) stated that : A caste system is one whereby a society is divided up into a number of self-contained and completely segregated units (casted), the mutual relations between which are ritually determined in a graded scale. This description means the caste system is a social unit or group that has different customs from another groups and it is related by the religious world.
The caste system in India is a social stratification based on the Hindu hereditary class and occupations in the societies. In fact, there are four class in Hindu Caste system or in Hindi called Catur Cast (Brahmin, Ksatria, Vaisya and Sudra) and fifth’ one called PaƱcama or untouchable. Pancama is the hill and forest population who is called tribals, inclusive. This group occupies a place below, outside this Varna scheme. The Brahma or Brahmin is a person who fulfill the calling of priests and spiritual preceptors. Etymologically the Ksatriya means the ‘protector ’who usually  as a rulers and a warriors. The Vaisya is  a person who h the as commercial in livehood. Also he is associated with other producers and wealth-creators as well. Sudra is a toiler and artisan. People that belonging to the ‘fifth’ group perform ‘unclean’ service such as cremation, killing animals for food.
 However, the caste in Hindu religion divided into two parts, first depend on the birth (Jati) and second depend on how that people education and their occupation (Varna). However, now along with modernism, Indian society prefers to choose the caste system by varna. For that reason, the member of lowest class  in Indian caste system can move to upper class.
The phenomenon of Indian caste system becomes controversy. Some people assume India’s case system as Indian culture because some of  Indian holy book was written about it. For example the Purusa of the Rgveda (5000 B.C) contains the first symbolic reference to the emergence of the four castes; Brahmanas from the mouth, Rajanyas (Ksatriyas) from the shoulders, Vaisyas from the thights  and Sudras from the feet.
The other one assume that caste system is colonial artifact. In the past India was one of British colonized country. The purpose of the colonizer not only to expand their colonized region but also to spread their ideology in colonized country for example caste system. As cited by Dr Susan Bayly in Prof. M Narasimhachary “So, you want to marry my daughter?” The Caste System: An Overview (2002), “caste is not the essence of Indian culture and civilization. It is rather a contingent and variable response to the enormous changes that occurred in the subcontinent’s political landscape both before and after the colonial conquest.
 Due to Dr. Susan Bayly the caste system is not Indian culture but it is one of the colonial political landscapes to separated between colonizer and colonized. The colonizer believes that they have higher social class than the colonized. Thus, they created caste system and assimilated it with Hindu religion. It happened in order the colonized country obey it because Indian societies believe in their religion and always obey what it orders.
It is clearly that caste system is not colonial artifact because the Britain ruled India from 1757 to 1947 whereas the holy book of India Rgveda was appeared in 6000 B.C. This clear that Rgveda is early than Britain colonized. It proved that caste system is truly Indian essence culture.
 Joint Family  System
Regarding to I Karve the joint family system is “a group of people who generally live under one roof, who eat food cooked at one hearth, who hold property in common and who participate in common worship and are related to each other as some particular type of kindred” (1995). Joint family system is Indian culture that they still hold until now. Under one roof is gathered several branches of an extended family, living together sharing their property and incomes in order to teach and control the youngest couple in their married. The younger generation  in Indian societies believe that life will go easily by togetherness. The younger generation strictly but not systematically controlled by the elder.
The joint family system also has several disadvantages such as the laziness of  the family members because they think they can get food without hard effort, the lackness of the effort to earn money and become independent , and the important thing they cannot prevent the quarrel between the member of the family.
In Modern times the joint family system no longer use by Indian society especially in the middle class . They are living under separate roofs or in the other word they prefer to choose nuclear family system. After married the son or daughter are live in separated roof and they build their own family in order they can be independent and they can resolve their problem by theirselves. They come to their parent’s home  only in special occasion  such as festival, and marriage ceremony.
Marriage and Dowry
Regeneration is really important to keep our existence in this world in order to prevent the extinct of human being.  Through that statement the society have to marriage. Every country in the world has his own marriage tradition. Regarding  to William Stephen in A Study On Desertion Of Married Women By Non Resident Indians In Punjab And Andhra Pradesh , he stated that :
marriage is a socially legitimate sexual union, beginning with a public announcement, and undertaken with some idea of permanence, with a more or less explicit contract, which spells out the reciprocal rights and obligations between the spouses and their future children.

The  definition of marriage is the way to legitimate the relationship between man and woman included the sexual union by law, religion and social culture or norm in the society.  However, every country in the world have different culture of marriage ceremony and grief ceremony.
Regarding to AK Goval in A Study On Desertion Of Married Women By Non Resident Indians In Punjab And Andhra Pradesh “Marriage under the Hindu Law was primarily and essentially a sacrament in which a wife is declared to be half the body of her husband equally sharing the fruits of pure acts, and the husband is regarded by the wife as god.” It means that the marriage in Hindu is a ritual religion that the wife stated for life and sharing the sweetness and the bitterness of life with their husband. In Hindu custom the wives assume that the husband is a god in the earth where they have to obtain all their order.
 Marriage system in India society is treated as alliance between two families than the union two individual. The parents especially the groom’s parents have selecting the spouse by caste, education, economic position and the value of dowry. In India society the value of dowry is the most important thing. Dowry is a cultural system where the parent of bride gives a huge amount of money, jewelry, and expensive gifts to the groom and their parents during marriage. The amount of dowry depends on the caste system and the educational system of the groom, if they from the high class their dowry is expensive and vice versa.
The dowry system in India is the evidence of the patriarchal system that means men have more power in society than women. The dowry system in India  is popular since the Vedic period. When Brahma‘s daughter was marriage, he gave the gift for her husband and her parents in law so that the couple can start their life easily. Meanwhile, nowdays,  it changes into commercial transaction. The groom’s parents become greedy and want to receive much money from the bride’s parents. It effects Indian socio- economic problems as Achdeva said in AK Goval “A Study On Desertion Of Married Women By Non Resident Indians In Punjab And Andhra Pradesh, he stated that:
The Dowry system has always given rise to innumerable socio-economic problems of far reaching consequences and wide ranging ramifications. Of late, numerous incidents of bride burning, harassment and physical torture of the young brides and various kinds of pressure tactics being adopted by the husbands /in-laws pressurizing for more dowry have compelled the social reformers and the intelligentsia to give serious thought to the various aspects connected with the very institution of dowry (1998, 301.)  

It is clear that the dowry system becomes the huge problems for the lower class family who does not have much money. The bride burning, harassment and physical torture of the young brides appears as the affects from the bride  giving  few dowry to the groom. Some of the Indian researcher calls this even by “The Evil of Dowry system”. Many young brides die because they are burned by their husband. This even is called “Dowry Death”. It is affected by their lackness to give huge dowry to their husband. An average of five women in India are burned  dowry related  daily because of the dawry  case and there are many cases which unreported. (www.un.org.rights/dpil 772e.httml 12/4/01). The problem is appeared by the dowry. Many couples in India especially from the lower class abort their female baby because  they think they have to paid huge dowries when  their daughter marriage . This even is called female infanticide. Furthermore, some legal efforts done by  Indian government to reduce the amount of dowry death for the example by the Dowry Prohibition Act (1961), An Act to prohibit the giving or taking of dowry. However, the payment of dowry has not stopped in India because their society is more obtain to culture than to government and their rule, although the number of dowry deaths has slightly decrease.
 The Power of Superstitions in India
In modern public life using high-tech to fulfill all man needs, the societies still believe superstition.  The meaning of superstition regarding to Dipesh Chakrabarty in thought and action an official journal Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Sammittee India ( 2011) as follow:
the word “superstition” to refer to practices marked by two features: (a) they entail human beings appealing to supernatural, extra-human forces for positive or negative interventions in their lives, and (b) these forces cannot be systematized into a set of religious doctrines. “  
We can conclude that most of superstition links to the religion. the society still believe superstition even though there are not any evidence to prove it because they are believe to their religion or their belief. It is in with line that Edmund Burke pointed out that Superstition is the religion of feeble minds. It is something irrational that someone believes and do it. Sometimes it is something foolish that someone do. It can happen because they lack of education.
 However, many Indian citizens are Hindu. In Hindu, superstition plays big role in Indian live. For example they have to believe and respect to what the Pundit said about prediction, a good date for wedding, for getting a job and astrology. Pundit is the important person in Hindu society. He prepared the ceremony and ritual in Hindu. He is the second hand of god that every word which he spoke will obey by the Hindu society. It is also happen in this novel.

*By Erna Susilawati